The Fraser Fir is very fragrant and retains needles well. It is symmetrically shaped with soft 3/4 inch-long, dark green needles with silvery undersides on sturdy even branches. This tree is our top selling and comes in a full range of sizes. They tend to be one of the narrower large trees you can find.
Fraser Fir

Noble Fir
The Noble Fir has 1 inch long blue-green needles with stiff branching. It is extremely aromatic Known for it's needle retention and beautiful spacing. It has a fluffy and full appearance and beautiful white trunk.

Nordmann Fir
The Nordmann fir has exceptional needle retention. The long silver and green needles are soft and shiny making them a new favorite. Some claim they are also hypoallergenic because of the oils being trapped in their waxy coating.

Douglas Fir
The Douglas Fir is one of the oldest varieties of cut tree in the United States. Known for their true green, pyramidal shape, these are the most traditional trees you can fine. Think "Charlie Brown" but all grown up. They have a character and a nostalgia to them that has made us decide to bring them back into our offering.

Balsam Fir
The Balsam fir has compact needles and a dark green color. Incredible scent and traditional appearance make this tree one that has been around for 100's of years.
Native Concolor Fir NEW!
The Concolor fir is cut in Colorado and has exceptional longevity and scent. It has sparse branching and plenty of space for large decorations. This tree has a character all it's own and is very nostalgic .

Good question! Christmas tree are graded by overall quality and when they were cut. When the tree was cut makes a big difference in quality.
Christmas trees can be cut up 6 months (or more) in advance. A tree cut during this time-frame would be considered a low- grade tree, and one that will be sent to the box stores that require a huge quota to fill.
We buy all of our trees direct from wholesalers. We buy the freshest, and highest grade trees in the US. We only bring ours in 2-3 days before we open, and keep them under tarps the entire time until putting on display. Our display trees stay up for only a few days, and most often just a few hours before selling. There is no hot asphalt reflecting heat at our lot either. We take all the proper precautions and maintain our trees daily which dramatically helps with the longevity of the tree.